01. Action blocks and dead text
02. Syntax inside action blocks
03. Write, execute and debug RXS
04. Output
05. General orders for action blocks
06. outfile='xx' Where to write output
07. out='xx' Where to write output
08. outfunc='xx' What to do with output
09. in='xx' Input for action blocks
10. infile='xx' Input for action blocks
11. Internal queues as input and output
12. )trigger and )notrigger
13. cont: Flagging last record
14. queuevar: Joining two queues
15. getqueue: Keyed data from queues
16. dropqueue: Dropping a queue
17. )text block
18. Using several )text and )action blocks
19. func: special interpretation of input
20. func='sql' Accessing DB2
21. func='prompt' Opening windows
23. func='dcl' DB2 table information
24. func='namespace' A file format
25. func='xml' Accessing xml
26. func='sorted' func='sorted_desc'
27. func='mqbrowse' etc.: MQ access
29. Accessing files on UNIX
30. func='>utf8', '>ascii' etc
31. imbed='xx' Calling external
32. Output: specific rules
33. Addressing TSO, ISPF, UNIX etc
34. Scope of variables
35. Execution as TSO commands
36. Execution in background (JCL)
37. Writing macros
38. Reserved names
39. )interface
40. All functions and instructions